Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Plug and Go

You may remember in an earlier post I raised the subject of the onslaught of zero emission electric vehicles.  One of the points raised was where in town would you plug one in if you were running low.  I fired off an e-mail to the local council and this is what came back:

Dear Your Car Companion

Many thanks for your email and please accept my apologies for the delay
in responding - I was away last week when it was forwarded to me.

We are supportive of electric vehicle technology and are actively
pursuing sources of funding to help us implement charging infrastructure
across the Royal Borough.

We are actively talking with local suppliers and hope to engage the
business community over the coming months to establish the level of
demand in private non-residential car parks.

If there are any locations where you would particularly wish to see
electric charging points installed then please do let me know and we can
add them to the list of sites to be considered.

Kind regards,

Gordon Oliver
Principal Transport Policy Officer
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead

So it would seems as yet there is no funding in place and they have yet to decide where to put them !  I wonder if Nissan know this ?  Do you know what your council is up to ?

London has secured £17 million to fund 7,500 electric vehicle charging points by 2013. At least they have a plan and this can be found through their website www.london.gov.uk/electricvehicles. Makes for interesting reading.

So whats going on with you and would your council's plans effect whether or not you would but an electric vehicle ? 


  1. There is absolutely no way i would purchase an electric car until I'm sure there is somewhere that i can charge it, and its almost a certainty that when the chargers are installed there will not be enough, why is it that local councils cannot lead the way with new developments and innovations, it always has to be london.

  2. I would love to get one, friends have one and it's awesome!
